
The virtual world and video games are intuitive; however, do people really know if it’s true? Due to advances in technology, most youngsters often spend much time playing video games or watching virtual reality movies. Most people often glare when they hear the word video games terming them as time-wasters; some scholars refer to video...
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The world is not a great place at the moment, given climate change. Also, people ought to realize that going vegan is not as complex as most perceive it. The department of the environment has reported that the world’s biggest population is consuming too much meat, a negative impact on the environment. Thinking of going...
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It is said that we are living in a time when the black race is the black race’s greatest threat. There was once a time when black people united. During the time of this unification, they created a world where they helped each other achieve great success. Since this time, the black race has become...
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“There can be no Black-white unity until there is first some Black unity. There can be no workers’ solidarity until there is first some racial solidarity. We cannot think of uniting with others, until after we have first united among ourselves. We cannot think of being acceptable to others until we have first proven acceptable...
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