Discovering the Hidden Gems: Exploring the Least Known Cuts of Beef

Beef is a versatile and delicious meat that can be prepared in a multitude of ways. From the popular ribeye and filet mignon to the lesser-known cuts, beef has something to offer everyone. In this article, we’ll be exploring some of the least-known cuts of beef that are often overlooked but are worth discovering.

  1. Denver Steak/Zabuton – The Denver steak is a relatively new cut that comes from the chuck primal, located in the shoulder region of the cow. It has a rich, beefy flavor and a tender texture that is similar to a ribeye. The Denver steak is a great option for grilling, broiling, or pan-searing.
  2. Oyster Steak – The oyster steak is a small, tender cut that is located near the spine, next to the tenderloin. It is a lean cut with a mild flavor and can be grilled or broiled. The oyster steak is often overlooked, but it is a great alternative to the more expensive cuts.
  3. Tri-tip – The tri-tip comes from the bottom sirloin and has a triangular shape. It has a coarse texture and a beefy flavor that is best when cooked medium-rare. Tri-tip is often used in BBQ competitions and is a favorite among Californians.
  4. Petite Tender – The petite tender, also known as the teres major, is a small, tender cut that is located near the shoulder blade. It has a mild flavor and can be grilled or pan-seared. The petite tender is an affordable alternative to the more expensive cuts like filet mignon.
  5. Merlot Steak – The merlot steak comes from the heel of the round and has a lean, beefy flavor. It is a versatile cut that can be grilled, broiled, or pan-seared. The merlot steak is a great option for those who want a leaner cut of meat without sacrificing flavor.
  6. Spinalis Steak – The spinalis steak, also known as the ribeye cap, is a thin, marbled cut that surrounds the ribeye. It has a rich, buttery flavor and a tender texture that is similar to a filet mignon. The spinalis steak can be grilled, broiled, or pan-seared.
  7. Flat Iron Steak – The flat iron steak comes from the shoulder area and has a rich, beefy flavor. It has a tender texture and can be grilled or pan-seared. The flat iron steak is a budget-friendly option that is gaining popularity in restaurants.
  8. Sirloin Flap Steak – The sirloin flap steak, also known as the sirloin tip, is a lean cut that has a mild flavor. It is best when cooked medium-rare and can be grilled or broiled. The sirloin flap steak is a great option for those who want a leaner cut of meat without sacrificing flavor.


In conclusion, while popular beef cuts like ribeye and tenderloin are well-known for their taste and tenderness, there are many lesser-known cuts of beef that are just as delicious when cooked properly. Cuts like the chuck eye, tri-tip, and hanger steak are affordable, flavorful, and can make a great addition to your menu. As we’ve discussed, it’s important to understand the characteristics of each cut and the best cooking methods to make the most of their unique qualities. By exploring and experimenting with these least-known cuts of beef, you can expand your culinary horizons and add more variety to your meals. So next time you’re at the butcher shop, consider giving one of these cuts a try and discover a new favorite beef cut that is both delicious and budget-friendly.

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