
There are many reasons why we should accept and care more for each other. Here are a few: Improved Mental Health: When we care for each other, we create a sense of community and belonging. This can lead to improved mental health and a greater sense of purpose in life. Increased Happiness: Studies have shown...
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We all know water is good for us and that we should probably drink more of it. So why, then, do Americans find it so difficult to sip from what is arguably the fountain of youth? Answers vary, but the fact is, one in 10 Americans drinks zero cups of water per day, according to...
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After more than 45 days in lockdown, it’s no surprise that many people are going a tad stir-crazy. But it’s far worse for seniors: Not only have visits from their kids and grandkids been suspended, but there’s the extra stress that comes with the nagging suspicion that they’ll be advised to remain on lockdown long...
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Technology is the collection of knowledge, experience, skills and methods by which people change, transform and use our environment to create tools, machines, products and services that meet our needs and desires. In today’s world, people are making the most of technology as it has undergone significant changes over time. Today, life seems impossible with...
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