Are the virtual world and video games causing more violence or more antisocial people?

The virtual world and video games are intuitive; however, do people really know if it’s true? Due to advances in technology, most youngsters often spend much time playing video games or watching virtual reality movies. Most people often glare when they hear the word video games terming them as time-wasters; some scholars refer to video games as immoral to the brain. Some individuals will argue that the virtual world and video games cause more violence and make people more antisocial because of the much time people, especially youngsters, spend online. When people watch violent video games, some, like children, tend to imitate what characters in the games are doing, be it fighting or using imaginary weapons. Youngsters who often watch video games are more likely to have risen hostile views, emotional states, and activities. Hence, this state promotes the idea of causing more violence and the rise in interest to spend much time online, hence becoming antisocial.

It might be easy for anyone to conclude that a violent person is addicted or views more violent video games; however, gaming cannot be solemnly attributed to violence. Even though lab experiments have revealed that there is evidence between video games and violence, it is a mixed reaction that cannot be ruled out once and for all that youngsters who enjoy video games can easily be prone to violence.

The virtual world and video games both possess negative and positive impacts on people’s lives. The idea mostly dwells on the negative impacts of violence and addiction on the internet hence causing antisocial behavior. However, people must not rule out that they also make people smart, especially children, and it is also a form of entertainment. Much of the research tends to be based on the assessment of aggression that has no relationship with real-world violence as statistics reveal a decrease in violence among youth since 1996.  Therefore, there is so much society, and mostly, parents can deal with whether the virtual world and video games increase violence and cause antisocial behavior. Like any other activity, video games are pleasurable and worthwhile and could be perilous given certain circumstances.

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