We live in a world where everything we do can only be done because of technology. During this pandemic, we have depended heavily on technology for school, work, banking, shopping, and socializing. The benefits of technology are immense. Based on the definition of technology we can see it being used in the Bible when Noah built the ark.

Though we depend heavily on technology for a lot of our daily activities, are we really that addicted to technology? Can we go to the bathroom without our phones? Can we put away the laptop, tablet, or cell phone when we are not completing essential daily tasks? Are we addicted without realization?

If you find yourself unable to step away from technology without feeling anxious or having a fear of missing out, then chances are you’re addicted to technology.

Here are some tips to help you prevent technology addiction:

  • Charge your phone outside your bedroom
  • Create a morning routine and avoid using your devices until this routine is complete
  • Turn off electronics or at least the notifications 2 hours before bed


Technology is a great tool, but let’s not become slaves to it.

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