Champloo will forever have a place in my heart as one of the pioneering genre-fusion anime of all time, it mixes a lot of modern-day elements into a samurai era setting, but somehow it doesn’t make them seem goofy or quirky, but the series instead manages to make it work very well and does a great job at defying genre boundaries in its own way. There is an actual character beat-boxing in the samurai era in the series, there’s even a baseball game!

Now for the critical part; the series is a masterpiece in every single way. The music has a sweet juxtaposition to the way the art design flourishes the screen with every stroke of the sword creating a shimmer that the characters flow through, the sword fighting choreography flows like water. The hip-hop music is fused with funk and pop to recreate the flair that the series has, the fusion of different genres. Characters are well written and designed, each one feels unique to the other and the way their personalities get shaped throughout the experiences that they have in the series is very well written. The series’ writing itself also has a very different flair to it, the writing feels contemporary yet still abides by the laws of the era that the series is taking place in.

It also has some seriously mature themes entangled into it, themes about human trafficking, prostitution, gangs and gang warfare, the existence of homosexuality, persecution of different belief systems etcetera. The series is quite mature in what it wants to show to the audiences and it manages to do so quite well trying to create a picture of an Edo-era Japan that wasn’t bound by the rules of close-mindedness. It’s not everybody’s cup of tea, that is for sure, but if you are a fan of some hardcore fun anime that are based on mature themes, Champloo is definitely for you!


One of the first anime I have ever seen and one I remember most fondly. Why? The Story starts out shrouded in mystery as Kirika and Mirelle unravel the secrets of a mysterious organization known as the “Soldats”. As each episode progresses; the mystery and the prophecy involving two assassins both known as “Noir” become clearer. Lots of exciting plot twists; the story is very exciting to follow!

Noir is an interesting if not particularly original premise and I have to say that the story evolves to become one of the best I have had the pleasure to see. Watching this anime is like going to an art museum. The scenery in the series is quite beautiful. Full of action, drama, and mystery, Noir is no doubt one of the pioneering series in the Girls with Guns genre. The main characters are exceptionally well developed and show constant growth throughout the anime. The pasts of the main characters are slowly unraveled before our eyes as the story progresses through the use of flashbacks that reveal more every time you see them. We also have a great view into the world of professional assassins as we follow them on their path and see what kind of dilemmas they have to face.

The pacing will probably be the most divisive aspect of this show, with a long slow burn of stand-alone assassination ‘cases’. Slow, ominous panning shots and flashbacks are the norm, particularly to a certain tragedy in a lead character’s childhood, while even hints at the ancient conspiracy opposing her are very slow to come. But the creation of a world where death is the daily routine and brave girls are trapped by crimes of the past was well worth the journey for me.

I truly believe that Noir should be seen by every avid anime enthusiast, if not for the story or the art, or even the absolutely heavenly soundtrack, then at the very least, for historic relevance as one of the pioneering anime of its particular genres.


Black Lagoon is a unique niche anime, stuffed to the core with fast-paced action, insane shootouts, kooky crazy characters, dark humor, and enough f-bombs to make your granny’s ears erupt smoke like a volcano.

Black Lagoon is a show in the same vein as a Hollywood action movie, maybe by the likes of Tarantino. The series mimics one in many ways, most notably in the way real-world brands are used and become a backdrop for the impossible and over-the-top action that takes place throughout Black Lagoon. A few times I really did feel as if I could have been watching a high-budget action film. The gunshots felt super real, the minor detailing was real, and the characters were handled lucidly and it was made clear early on about who they were. For a series that is 14 years old, I still find it very attractive. Compared to newer shows, it may be lacking in some aspects, but what it lacks in quality of its animation, it makes up with its originality in style, the attractiveness of its characters, and definitely the awesomeness of the story overall. As for the soundtrack, it fits the bill perfectly and fulfills its requirements for the series. Every character has a voice that fits the image and the personality they should depict, the sounds of guns shot, sword fights and stuff getting blown up are what you should expect and the music couldn’t get any better.

The visual quality is incredible and if you are looking for a dark-themed anime this is the one you are looking for. Even though I still feel like the character development needed a bit more work, I still enjoyed it. There are a few episodes that are a bit too hard to the eye because of the story itself (it is focused on the worst of human nature, from kidnapping, torture, pornography, blackmailing and of course killing) but if you have the guts then is a good choice, though I will warn you, it is not for the faint-hearted.


First off this series is an absolute must-watch no matter what kind of anime you prefer in terms of genre, the characters are all unique, the storyline is riddled with more plot twists than holes in a wheel of cheese, and the soundtrack is just pure awesomeness.

Code Geass’s setting is one of the very best, it is a Mech Anime but it excels compared to others in the same genre because of the way the world is designed. I really enjoyed how the storyline rolls out and is depicted, it’s very much like Death Note in some ways, the first episode pulls you in right into what the series is all about, and the second one fuels your interest. The rest of the episodes expand on the simple plot; then begin to twist and turn it into many different directions, but through the entire story unfolding, you have a good idea of what’s going on in these characters’ lives.

Speaking of the characters, yes, there is loads of character development. Lelouch slowly becomes more and more sinister (like Light from Death Note) yet he still manages to cling to his humanity due to his friends and family. CC, also has some changes, throughout the events of the series, she becomes more open to Lelouch. My favorite character progression is on Suzaku when he changes from a decent and loving boy to a killer because of what Zero does to him. The rest of the characters also undergo many developmental character changes, but I’m not going to get into them as it would be too much exposition into the story.

The soundtrack is one of the best in the industry, with blaring rock anthems to slow tuned down piano medleys, this show is a full package with everything going in its favor, I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, no matter what kind of anime fan you are, you have to watch Code Geass.


Before I get into reviewing this one, I want to express that Naruto is widely loved and I love this series myself as well, but this series is at least 60% filler, and if you’re not into that (which I won’t blame you for) then this one might not be for you, not to mention, to understand this fully you have to watch 5 years-worth of the original Naruto.

However, once you’ve passed all the requirements necessary for you to get into the series, you will fall in love with it. The series has an incredible story, showcasing some of the very best moments in the entire Naruto series, Shippuden also has some of my favorite arcs and the upgraded animation and art design to its predecessor was just the icing on the cake, the characters are more fleshed out in this series, they are older, wiser, stronger in their abilities, the story is quite good with moments of brilliance, the music complements the series very much, and it actually helps in creating some of the best atmospheres in fights and emotional moments.

Overall, this is solid series, with each season being better than the last, and each episode being unique in its own right, with characters that you love or will grow to love over time, there is nothing that says anime like Naruto.

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