Ranking Valorant AGENT From HARDEST To EASIEST

In this article, we’re going to be ranking the agents in Valorant from the hardest to play and learn to the easiest. Whether you are an fps noob or a 1.6 pro the agents in valorant still come with a learning curve so sometimes starting on the easier side is the way to go.


Viper is a controller class agent and has a few quirks that make her pretty difficult to understand. Viper’s abilities draw from a resource called fuel. Fuel is consumed in different amounts from viper’s q and e abilities. Viper’s q is poison cloud and acts as a movable vision blocking ability this is not the only vision blocking ability that viper gets access to though viper’s e toxic screen is a wall of poison gas that blocks vision in a straight line and deals decay damage to anyone standing inside except viper herself.


She starts every round with 100 fuel and both her q and e require fuel to activate while active both abilities consume 5 fuels per second each for a total of 10 fuels per second while both abilities are active. While no ability is active viper’s fuel will regenerate allowing her to reactivate her abilities.


Breach is often regarded as one of the strongest agents in the game but that does come with a decently high skill floor. Breach has access to some of the strongest utility in the game but two out of his four abilities require a surface to be between him and the area he wants to use his abilities so positioning is very crucial for him. Breach’s c ability is called aftershock when used it will create an explosive charge on the other side of a wall or barrier after a short delay.


His cue is called flashpoint and they are the best flashes in the game once again requiring a wall or barrier to activate flashpoint will create a blinding flash on the other side of the barrier blinding all those who have the flash in their field of view. Breach’s signature ability is called a fault line and does not require a wall to use but instead, this ability will go through walls. The fault line creates a seismic blast in a straight line that dazes all enemies caught within its area of effect.


Breach’s ultimate ability is called rolling thunder and is one of the best engagement tools in the game. Rolling Thunder will create a giant shock wave that will travel out and away from breach anyone caught in its area will be tossed into the air and dazed for about 5 seconds this ultimate alone gives breech amazing power to shift the tide of battles in his favor but at the same time also requires good game sense.


Sova is the other initiator in the game following breach. He is just one of those agents that you really have to spend hours upon hours mastering his recon bolt and shock bolt lineups. Recon bolt especially has some really useful lineups that you are at a straight disadvantage if you don’t use you can get the recon bolt into locations that the enemies can’t even destroy while it scans them and essentially feeds you free information. Shock bolt is Sova’s damaging ability and there are some interesting lineups and combos you can do with them as well that really elevate Sova to another level.


Sova’s ultimate hunter fury is another ability that requires some practice and skill before being used as effectively as possible hunter’s fury allows you to fire three giant beams of energy that go through the map and damages everyone it hits. There are many different ways you could use this ability though as it also marks all enemies hit on your hud so hunter’s fury doesn’t need to just be a killing tool it can be an info tool as well.


Omen is a pretty difficult agent to play because of how his abilities interact with the world. Omen has the ability to teleport short distances with the c ability shadow step. The problem with shadow step is that you are completely exposed while the ability is active so you need to be sure that you aren’t exposed while using it or someone might decide that you are a perfect way for them to practice their Odin recoil control. Omen allows for a lot of different pathways and opportunities to open up but you need to know how to take advantage of them.


One of the things I see new omen players struggle with a lot is how to use Omen’s alt from the shadows. From the shadows allows Omen to teleport pretty much wherever he likes on the map after a short delay enemies can cancel this teleport by shooting the shadow that appears in the location that omen is teleporting to if the shadow is destroyed omen loses all his alt charges and gets sent back to where he originally used his alt. The thing about this ultimate is that everyone tries to use it to get behind enemies or in their spawn and it becomes super predictable after doing it once or twice.


Cypher is the first sentinel to appear so far but he definitely is not super hard to learn. Sure you need to know some basic angles to place your trap wires and there are some cool one ways that you can do with his cyber cage. But for the most part Cypher can be as complicated or as simple as you want him to be. He offers a wide range of options with his trap wire and spycam with his cyber cage acting as both an info device and vision blocking if necessary.


Cypher does have some very nice lineups with his spy cam but they are nowhere near as difficult to execute or learn as Sova or even Brimstone molly lineups. Most of Cypher’s abilities come from being able to properly take advantage of your trap wires and understanding the proper time to activate your cyber cages or take the risk of getting your spy cam destroyed by taking a peek.

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