Guide on How to Rank Up In Valorant

The improvement, it’s what we’re all searching for, when we’re playing a competitive game usually we expect to play more and finally rank up but we all know that that isn’t always the case being stuck in a specific rank can feel frustrating and ultimately demotivating. If you feel like you’re in these shoes or simply want to avoid the ranked wall that many people face altogether then read our guide on how to improve your Valorant rank.


Without good aim, it’s very hard to win jewels and can potentially lead to many lost rounds. Although many people already know this they usually struggle at improving in this area because of this we have found the best way to improve right in the training range implemented into the game first off:


Flicking is when you have to quickly react to enemy movement and put your crosshair on their body or head before shooting. To improve this we have two tactics:

  1. First, in the practice range, you can use the implemented feature where the bots quickly show up and disappear in order to get used to your sensitivity and become accustomed to shooting
  2. Second, if you choose the character sage and turn on practice mode alongside strafing in the bot menu you’re going to be able to perform some more advanced training by placing a wall up in the shooting range and waiting until the bots move to the left or right of the wall. You will learn how to react to enemies coming around corners this is a much more game-like feature that will somewhat get you used to what you will see in-game


To shoot consistently and be able to spray transfer when attempting to kill various enemies in order to learn the spray quickly, you can repeatedly shoot the target in the shooting range at around 30 meters. Once you manage to control your recoil enough you should be able to keep it in between the first two or three circles of the target don’t focus too much on getting this perfect, however simply because there is a random component on the bullets that remove the ability to shoot perfectly.

Spray Transfer

For this, you can try to shoot the bots in the sky after killing one transfer your recoil to another bot without letting go of your fire button. Don’t be discouraged if you can’t do this at the start it takes a good amount of practice to master but we promise that it’s worth it. Once you can do this consistently you’ll gain full control of your weapon and become much more confident when taking duels coming in

Game Sense

Aside from knowing how to aim to learn things like when to push and when to hold back is key. If you want to improve to do these things you will first need to master the mini-map and learn how to use the information it gives you to your advantage. One major piece of information that it provides you with is the location of both your enemies and your teammates which you can use when deciding if you should rotate push or hold back.

For instance, you are playing defense in a holding site “A” seeing four people on the spike on the map pushing site “B” want to rotate. Although ideally, your teammates should make this call in order to maximize the speed at which you can come and help them. We know that this doesn’t always happen more often than not you will encounter players that lack a microphone or simply refuse to speak because of this the mini-map will be your best friend.

Secondly in another scenario where you see that your enemies are pushing from “A” while you’re holding “B”, you might want to hold back in order to give your teammates time to flank little things like this separate the good players from the average players although these instances may seem fairly situational. The truth of the matter is that the mini-map will provide you with information in more rounds than you would expect

It will also be crucial to learn the play style of your specific character. For instance, some of the more general tips are to push in first if you’re an entry fragger like breach or phoenix; stay fairly far back if you’re a smoke based character like brimstone and omen, and two pushing somewhere in between if you are playing any other characters such as sage or cipher. You need to become accustomed to your characters nevertheless.


Let’s discuss how you can use this knowledge to better not only yourself but your team as a whole. For instance, if you are playing a character like brimstone you may already know that your key feature on an attack is your ability to smoke knowing this will allow you to perform the bare minimum smoking when entering the site however once you begin to think about your team you will also realize that you can use your Molotov and stim beacon in order to support pushes.

For instance, although you’re not the one entry fragging you may be able to cancel out an angle that could be held by an enemy with your Molotov in order to help your entry fragger push in easier ultimately small improvements such as these will directly help you improve your ability usage throughout the game which frankly is one of the most important areas to focus on.

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